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Rave review of ‘Being in Nature’

man speaking on stage with plants and screen

Jonathan Passmore is Professor of Coaching at Henley Management School, and Senior Vice President at Ezra Digital Coaching Solutions. Writing on LinkedIn, he presented a rave review of ‘Being in Nature’, saying:

So, what’s so great about this book? What I liked, apart from its beautiful presentation, were the simple and easy to use exercises, ones I can use myself or use in an outdoor coaching session with a client. While I work for a the leading innovator in digital coaching, EZRA Coaching, and know the power of digital coaching (the ability to offer coaching at scale), I also love getting out into nature, if possible for a lunchtime walk each day, and certainly with a client once or twice a week on a Thursday or Friday.

Professor Jonathan Passmore

Prof. Passmore quoted from the ‘autumn leaves’ practice, and concluded that:

This book is beautifully written, beautifully illustrated and beautifully designed – in short it’s a little treat.

Professor Jonathan Passmore

Buy ‘Being in Nature’ here.

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‘Being in Nature’ authors attend major events this summer

About Nature Connection Books, Nature Practices for Wellbeing

‘Being in Nature’ authors James Farrell and Lee Evans will be attending two major UK events on people and nature this summer.

Both will be attending the University of Derby’s ‘Nature Connections Conference’ on 24-25 June.

The University is leading the world in the science and psychology of nature connection – the many ways in which becoming closer to the natural world is both good for us and our human communities, and inspires individuals to take more action for the environment.

The authors’ consultancy, The Human Nature Partnership, is the only consultancy listed in the groundbreaking new publication ‘Nature Connected Organisations Handbook’. You can get your copy here:

James Farrell will be attending the first festival of outdoor coaching at Henley Business School on 12 July.

James will have copies of ‘Being in Nature’ for sale on the day, and will be running a workshop on the value of compassion in nature coaching. This is inspired by the practice ‘Be Kind’ in the book.

Inspire your staff and colleagues with your own event

If you would like us to run an interactive nature connection event for your organisation, do get in touch.

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A review of ‘Being in Nature’ highlights the value of a few minutes outside

Shop Nature Connection Books by James Farrell & Lee Evans

A review of ‘Being in Nature’ by Bird Guides has highlighted the value of taking a few minutes to get outside.

The reviewer said:

We all know that ‘being in nature’ is good for us – all the research tells us so – but what exactly does it mean? And how do we really connect with it? That’s a little less clear.

Walking through the park on your way to work, headphones in while you worry about the day ahead, is unlikely to cut it. And that’s where this small, self-published book comes in…

Rebecca Armstrong – Bird Guides

You can pick up your copy direct from us, or via Amazon and usual outlets.

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‘Being in Nature’ book inspires ‘wilding workshops’ with NHS staff

wooden cards printed with nature images in colour

A new collaboration between The Human Nature Partnership, University of Brighton and Culture Shift has been bringing nature engagement to the NHS. Recent ‘Wilding Workshops’ have been inspired by the book ‘Being in Nature’ by James Farrell and Lee Evans from The Human Nature Partnership / Nature Connection Books.

The University design team created tactile prompt cards using images and words from the book, and others inspired by nature. Interactive workshops facilitated by Culture Shift CEO Julia Roberts helped staff from a range of NHS functions explore their own relationship with nature, and begin to envision outdoor spaces at NHS sites that benefited staff, patients, community and wildlife.

Staff also spent time outside in a brief ‘nature connection’ session led by James Farrell – and reported increased feelings of closeness, calm and peacefulness, and positive memories of being in nature as children. This ‘self coach’ is a feature of the ‘Being in Nature’ book.

The vast majority of NHS staff surveyed by The Human Nature Partnership said they wanted to see more natural spaces at work, including wildflowers, birds and sheltered spaces to rest and collaborate outdoors. 75% of staff wanted to learn more about how to incorporate nature into their work.

Why not get a copy of ‘Being in nature’ and see for yourself the benefits of a closer relationship with the natural world.

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Author returns to island that inspired him 26 years ago

man curly hair sitting on a bench - 2 photos taken 26 years apart in the same location

‘Being in Nature’ author James Farrell has returned to the Shetland island that inspired him 26 years ago.

James was 26 years old in 1997, and managed the Isle of Noss National Nature Reserve.

This article in the Shetland News described how he felt on his return.

“[The jobs were] really, really different but still about a love of nature I think, and about the importance of nature to people,” he said. “I missed the space, the uncrowded space, [and] I also missed the people…Coming back here in a strange way, it feels like home.”

Working as a warden on the edge of Britain was formative for James. It deepened his appreciation for the natural world, his personal connection with wildlife, and helped him develop stronger human relationships too.

James is planning a book about his time there, and how things have changed since.

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New film by ‘Being in Nature’ co-author explores vital role of nature in cities

Smiling man with glasses and climbing plants great green wall film poster

A new film by ‘Being in Nature’ co-author James Farrell explores the role of nature in cities.

‘The Great Green Wall of Brighton’ celebrates the role nature plays in the health and wellbeing, and focuses on some of the special features of Brighton & Hove in the UK.

First, the health-giving properties of the sea. Second, the ‘green wall’ on the eastern seafront in Brighton that was created by the Victorians 150 years ago as a unique and influential example of integrating architecture and planting for the benefit of people and wildlife.

Made with LatestTV, James interviews a range of national and local experts, and includes stunning new footage from Latest filmmaker William Ranieri alongside historic images.

The film can be watched here, and on LatestTV, and goes live primetime across UK local TV networks from 11 February.

The film was made by LatestTV with James in his role as Founder of community network Brighton & Hove Building Green – where you can find out more about this amazing green infrastructure.

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Autumn is a great time to connect with nature! Try one of our mindful practices as the leaves fall this season


Our book ‘Being in Nature’ contains two mindful practices that are great to try out this season. Autumn in the northern hemisphere is a time of change, when nature stores up energy for the winter ahead, and the trees create a riot of colour across our landscapes.

Our practices point out the scientific benefits of getting out amongst the falling leaves. One of those is to experience the natural scent of damp soil – known as ‘petrichor’ – which helps us feel calmer and more relaxed.

‘Being in Nature’ makes a great Christmas gift, and you can buy it directly from us here in paperback or ebook – or from Amazon as a Kindle book.

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A sneak preview of the inside design for our beautiful new ‘Being in Nature’ book!

Being in Nature book mockup - open with cover, by James Farrell and Lee Evans

Lucy has finished the book design and it really is looking rather special.

Our idea was to use antique illustrations of the flora and fauna that inspired each practice. Lucy has cut these out and mounted them on contrasting backgrounds – they really pop! Check out this mockup of ‘Autumn Renewal’.

Next stop the printers!